Monday, April 23, 2012

Similarities, Differences, Judgment


  1. Mr. Picasso let me start off by saying your work is incredible. Coming from a world in visual arts and being titled as THE greatest war artist of our time you also very good.

    1. I love when my titles are used. it is true Mr. Nash!

  2. Although Mr. Paul Nash is deemed by myself as the greatest war artist I believe that you are a profoundly talented artist, and the best from Spain. I am glad that you had painted Guernicca to expose how terrible Germany's army was during World War Two. I am glad I was not a part of that war!

  3. Dear Mr. Picasso,
    You are a very big name in the art world. You and I both share the love of art and we both charish our work. Though your work is very popular, it is quite too abstract. My theatres are filled with patterns and marvelous statues, none of which are close to as bizarre as your paintings. Perhaps, try to include more realistic paintings in your portfolio. I would love to learn more about you and your work!


  4. Mr. Picasso your work is so moving! The paintings are all so dramatic, and I am a dramatic artist if i do say so myself. However, your art is very abstract while my acting is concrete. I very much admire the variety you add to our artistic world.

  5. Mr.Crane, I have plenty of realistic paintings that I have created at the age of 10. I mastered that genre of painting early in my life and so I decided to move on to something more daring so I must say. Taking a risk in the world as of turning something ugly into something absolutely beautiful. I do suggest that you try it, though I'm sure you wouldn't be able to exceed my measures of success.

  6. Mr. Picasso, I'm Lillian. Your painting The Old Guitarist is very free. I am an actress so we have a lot of differences. Also I hear your from Spain. It must be so wonderful. I have never been myself but I hear its wonderful. Have a nice day.

  7. Mr. Picasso! Would you kindly come to our dinner? It is quite late in the discussion, good sir.
