Pablo Picasso Interview

Cindy: Mr. Picasso, Describe where you are from and give us information about your family.
Pablo: I am from Malaga, Spain. I spent my first 10 years of my life there. My family included my father Don Jose Ruiz Blasco, and my mother Dona Maria Picasso y Lopez. I have a little sister Dolores “Lola” and a little brother Concepcion “Conchita”. My father was a painter and taught drawing at the local school of fine arts and crafts. (Moffat)
 My family wasn’t rich at all. So when my siblings were born, it was hard to make ends meet. My father was offered a better job and he immediately accepted. So we moved to the province capital of La Coruna, and that’s where we lived for the next four years (Moffat).
Cindy: What events in your early life made you get interested in the arts?
Pablo: The fact that my father was an art teacher made me get interested in the arts in my early life. Simply because I was around art all of the time, it was bound to suck me in (Esaak).  My father was my influence, art is in my blood. Almost every little boy wanted to be like his father during the time I was born. My father just happened to be an artist himself and had the profession in teaching art. I also just happened to have the talent too.
Cindy: What role did mentors play in helping you develop the interests and talents you have as an artist?
Pablo: With my father being my main and only mentor. What he did to help me develop interest and talents was that he worked with me every day with me being his pupil in La Coruna. I had experimented with what I learned and was able to express myself on a completely different level (McCully). My father taught me the basics and showed me how to express myself within painting. When I got hold of that ability, my talents started flying! I was amazing!
Cindy: What was the world of art like in your particular art field when you entered it?
Pablo: When I entered the field, the art “Trend” was Portraits and Landscapes. Very realistic themed (Wikimedia). I have my own style of “Realistic” so I feel that my art stood out the most, as my personal opinion.
Cindy: How did the major cultural, economic and political situations of the time impact your work?
Pablo: Political Situations impacted my work at an all time high. The bombing of Guernica in the Spanish Civil War inspired one of my greatest pieces of all time “Guernica” (Harris). That piece shows the suffering of so many innocent people that died.